Severe Weather Reporting Criteria
- Rotating Wall clouds, Funnel clouds, Tornadoes
- Hail any size initially, then the largest size (reference objects like coins, golf balls, etc.)
- Winds that cause damage to large limbs and structures
- Rains that flood areas that are not normally prone to flooding
- Significant storm damage: downed trees or power lines
Rain Event Reporting Procedures
From time to time the National Weather Service requests information from spotters on rain amounts across the Triad. Please monitor this website, the yahoo group and the net frequency to get notified the time schedule for reporting. When it is requested, the net will activate to collect the following information:
- Total amount of rain having fallen since Midnight
- Amount of rain having fallen in the last hour
- Amount of rain having fallen since the last report
- Other variables requested by NWS
Winter Weather Reporting Procedures
Nets are regularly requested by the National Weather Service during times of Winter Weather events. Please monitor this webpage, the yahoo group and the net frequency to get notified of the time schedule for Winter Weather Nets. Below are the conditions that are normally requested by the National Weather Service in Raleigh. (Net Control Operators can use this form for reporting purposes)
- Precipitation Type
- Precipitation Rate (light, moderate, heavy)
- Changes in Precipitation Type
- Accumulation
- Temperature
- Wind Speed and Direction
- Sustained Power Outages (not on and off blinks)